Saturday, January 9, 2010

I need old postcards!!

I need lots of antique/vintage postcards, but they must be blank. They will be used as part of my invitation packets and will eventually become part of our wedding book. :) Can anybody suggest a good place to find these?


  1. We have 20, I think. Took awhile to help Chad grasp all of the criteria, but they are all vintage, blank, and cool. If there are any you don't want to use, or once you get them back from ppl, you could send them back to him, if you want. Recycle! How many more does that leave? I always get 'em at antique stores (usually between .50 and $1 a piece, but can get way pricier) or sometimes off of Ebay.

  2. Great, thanks Nik! Well, we'll have about 80 invites going out, so that's what I'll need eventually. I've started scouring Ebay already, just hard to find more than one that are not all a particular state or some silliness. I'm sure every one that you send will be perfect! And please send my thanks to Chad. His sacrifice for the cause is much appreciated! :)

  3. A few years back I picked up a stack of postcards totalling about 200. I got them at Houseworks (Ryan will know) Most of them are travelish-type postcards from the '50s...I'm not sure what exactly you want them to look like. They're all blank with pictures of places around the World people have travelled to. Give me a better idea of what you're looking for and if I've got what you need I am willing to give you probably the 80 you need.

  4. Wow, Sean that's awesome! I didn't have any particular 'criteria' in mind for the designs of the cards, just old and blank, really. And I was hoping to have an eclectic variety of subjects. Please, don't drastically deplete your stash for this, but anything you wanna contribute will happily accepted! :)

  5. I just found the stash...They're all various places around the World and a bunch that a picked up to add to it as I've gone places. They are places like National Parks from old postcards about PanAm Airlines...Some interesting, others not so much. I've only found about half of them. WHen I initially posted to here I was hoping I'd find the ones that were hideously cliche ones stating "Greeting's from World's Largest Frying Pan USA", but I haven't found all those yet. I'll keep looking, and I'll look some more in stores. One problem with the ones I've found is that they're old postcards, but you'd never know since they're photos of places that haven't changed in appearance for a million years, so any postcard of the place in 1940 will look exactly like the postcard from today.

  6. What I'd love to get is some vintage ad postcards. You know, with old beauty products and stuff. They are harder to find though. Don't go out of your way, Sean, just sending a few from your collection is very helpful. Nice to see you are interested in getting involved though. :)
